Best Hamstring Bodyweight Exercises For Strength and Flexibility

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Hamstrings are a group of muscles located in the back of your thigh. When they’re weak, you’re more likely to experience injuries such as strains or tears. So, it’s important to include hamstring exercises in your routine. Here are 12 best hamstring bodyweight exercises you can do at home for for strength and flexibility.

Anatomy of the Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located in the back of your thigh. They’re responsible for bending your knee and extending your hip. The three muscles that make up the hamstrings are:

· Biceps femoris

· Semitendinosus

· Semimembranosus

When these muscles are weak, you’re more likely to experience injuries such as strains or tears. So, it’s important to include hamstring exercises in your routine.

Benefits of Hamstring Exercises

Aside from preventing injuries, there are several benefits to doing hamstring exercises. These benefits include:

Benefits of Hamstring Exercises

· Improved athletic performance

· Enhanced mobility

· Decreased risk of lower back pain

· Greater flexibility

· Strong hamstrings

Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to improve your strength and flexibility. They’re also convenient because you can do them anywhere, with no equipment required. Other benefits of bodyweight exercises include:

· Increased calorie burn

· Greater muscular endurance

· Improved joint stability

· Bodyweight exercises are great for building muscle

Beginner Hamstring bodyweight exercises

Hamstring exercises are a great way to exercise your hamstring muscles and improve your overall hamstring flexibility. Not to mention, they’re a good way to tone your body up. To get the most out of hamstring exercises, work out each muscle group one day per week for 30 minutes. Start your workout by doing some basic warm-up stretches, and then move on to the hamstring exercises. Make sure to avoid any injuries by following the proper exercise routine and taking good care of your hamstring muscles!

Best Hamstring Bodyweight Exercises for Beginners

Good morning to your hamstring muscles

Good morning exercises are a great way to start your day off on the right foot. They are low impact and can be done quickly, making them suitable for all fitness levels.

To get the best results, aim to do these exercises 2-3 times per week and make sure to warm up before starting. Hamstring exercises help to stretch and strengthen your hamstring muscles, so they are a good choice if you want to improve your mobility overall. A great way to lossen up to avoid hamstring injury is by doing a light set of good mornings as part of your daily routine.


Lunges are a great way to tone your legs and work your way up to more challenging exercises. Start by standing with your feet together, then hinge forward while keeping tummy tight and take a large step forward with one leg. Lower your body down until both of your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

Make sure to keep your front knee behind your toes and not to let your back knee touch the ground. Return to standing and repeat on the other side. You should feel the burn in your upper legs and it is great for tight hamstrings.

Bodyweight Romanian deadlift

If you are looking to build hamstring strength, bodyweight Romanian deadlift exercises are a great starting point. They can be done with minimal equipment, making them perfect for beginners.

Furthermore, they work the hamstrings from both the front and backside – making them an effective exercise for targeting both sides of your hamstring muscles.

Lateral lunge

The lateral lunge is a great hamstring exercise to start with as it works both muscles in the leg simultaneously. It’s also an effective exercise for glutes, making it ideal for all-round development.

To perform the lunge correctly, position your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Drive back up through your heels and hold your position for two seconds before repeating. Make sure not to bend at the knees or waist – this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Keep your back straight throughout so that you can target both muscles properly!

Sitting Leg Abductors

The sitting leg abductor is a great exercise for targeting the inner thigh muscles. It’s an easy exercise to do and can be performed with no equipment, making it perfect for beginners. It is also a great exercise while sitting at work.

To start, sit on the ground with your legs out in front of you and your back straight. Place your hands on the ground beside you for support. Slowly lift your right leg out to the side as far as you can before returning it to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

If you want to make the exercise more challenging, try holding a weight in your hand while performing the movement. This will help to tone your muscles more effectively.


Crabwalk is a great exercise for improving hamstring flexibility and strength. It also targets the glutes, calves, and hamstrings in equal measure- making it one of the most versatile exercises you can do.

To start off, position your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing straight ahead. Then lower yourself down as low as possible into a squatting position before standing back up again. Make sure to hold your breath during the entire movement! If you’re looking to amp up the difficulty level of this exercise, you can add weights by using them to increase resistance while maintaining good posture throughout the workout. And if that’s still not enough, try doing crabwalks on an unstable surface such as grass or sandbag squats!

Hamstring walkout

The hamstring walkout is a great exercise for improving flexibility in the hamstring muscles. It also targets the glutes, making it an ideal all-round exercise. To perform the walkout, start on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart.

Keeping your back and leg straight, raise one leg behind you and take small steps forward until your hamstring is fully extended. Hold this position for two seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the other side and continue

Intermediate bodyweight exercises for hamstrings

Hamstrings are one of the muscle groups that often go unnoticed. But don’t worry, hamstring exercises are a great way to improve your flexibility, hamstring range of motion, and overall balance. You can do them at home with minimal equipment, and the results will be noticeable. Make sure to warm up before starting any bodyweight exercises for the hamstrings, as this will help reduce the risk of injuries.

There are many different exercises you can do that target the hamstrings specifically. If you’re looking for a more intense workout, try some of the more advanced hamstring exercises available. Doing these exercises at home will not only help you improve your hamstring muscles, but also your overall flexibility and mobility. So get to it, and start seeing results in no time!

Single-leg deadlift

The hamstring muscles are a key muscle group and one of the most important in terms of overall body Strength. Single-leg deadlift is an exercise that targets these muscles very well – making it a great exercise for building hamstring strength.

You can do this exercise with weights at your own bodyweight or using weight machines to increase the resistance. Keep your back flat, position your feet shoulder-width apart, and lift the weight off the ground using just your leg muscles – don’t use your upper body or glutes. As you lower the weight back down to starting position, make sure to keep good form and maintain 110% of 1 rep max!

Lying hamstring curl

The lying hamstring curl is one of the best bodyweight hamstring exercises for targeting the hamstrings specifically. It can be done with or without weights, making it suitable for all fitness levels. To perform the exercise, lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart and your palms flat on the floor beside you.

Bend your knees so that your feet are pointing towards the ceiling, then curl your hips up off the floor and towards your chest. Hold this position for two seconds before lowering back down and repeating. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, you can hold a weight in your hands or place a weight plate on your lower stomach.

Donkey kick

The donkey kick is an effective hamstring exercise that also targets the glutes. It’s perfect for those who want to improve their flexibility and strength in this area. To perform the donkey kick, start on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart.

Keep your back straight and raise one leg behind you, keeping your foot flexed so that only your heel is pointing towards the ceiling. Kick your leg back and up as high as you can before lowering it back down to the starting position. Repeat on the other side and continue alternating until all reps are complete!

Reverse lunge

The reverse lunge is a great exercise for targeting the hamstring muscles. It works both the front and back of the leg, making it perfect for muscle toning. To perform this exercise correctly, start by standing shoulder-width apart and lunge forward, keeping your back straight.

As you lunge forward, lift your left leg high in the air as if squatting down (keeping your heel on the ground). Reverse motion by stepping back to starting position. Keep good posture throughout entire movement. Repeat desired number of reps or sets

Marching glute bridge

If you’re looking to target your glutes and hamstrings, then the march glute bridge is a great exercise for you. It’s easy to do at home and can be done with just your bodyweight – no equipment required! Make sure to warm up properly before starting this exercise – it will help avoid injury.

Once you are warmed up, start by positioning yourself on all fours position with feet hip-width apart and shoulder-width apart. Dig your heels into the ground as you lift your torso off of the ground, extending through the back leg (lift knee towards sky). Hold for two seconds before lowering back down into starting position. Do 10 repetitions per side.

Straight single-leg bridge

Straight single-leg bridge is a great exercise for targeting the hamstrings and glutes. It’s also an excellent exercise for your core muscles, making it really effective at working your body from all directions.

To perform this exercise, start by standing on one leg with weight plate or dumbbells held in your hand position. Hold the weight steady for two seconds then switch legs and repeat the process until both legs are extended straight. Be sure to maintain good form throughout the entire workout!

Reverse hyper

Reverse hyper is a great hamstring exercise that can be done at home or in the gym. It helps to increase flexibility and range of motion, and strengthens the muscles involved. Make sure to rest properly between sets in order to achieve best results – too much exercise right after a workout isn’t good for your body!

Advanced bodyweight hamstring exercises

Hamstring exercises are a great way to target your hamstrings and build muscle in a resistance-free environment. Plus, they’re more effective than traditional bodyweight hamstring exercises because they target the largest and hardest muscles in your hamstring region.

To get the most out of these exercises, start by doing fewer reps and gradually increase the number as you become stronger and better conditioned. Keep in mind that these workouts are more advanced and should be done by bodyweight athletes who are well-conditioned and have mastered the basics of bodyweight hamstring exercises.

Bulgarian split squat

If you’re looking for an exercise that can be done with just your bodyweight, then the Bulgarian split squat is a great option. This exercise targets the back of the thigh muscles, making it ideal for hamstring-focused workouts.

It’s also a good way to challenge your strength and stamina as well as improve your balance and coordination. Make sure to keep your form correct while doing this exercise – otherwise you might end up injuring yourself!

Jump squat

The jump squat is a great hamstring exercise to perform. Not only does it help tone your hamstrings and calves, but it also helps improve your power and explosive movements. To do this exercise correctly, make sure to keep your back straight the whole time.

Additionally, position yourself so that the weight of your body is equally distributed on both feet before starting to squat down. Do not allow your heels to come off of the ground during the exercise!

Hamstring slide

If you are looking for a good hamstring workout that can be done at home, try this exercise. You will need some sturdy furniture to do this exercise – a bench, step or even the stairs! Hold your position for 30 seconds before moving on to the next rep. Make sure that you keep your back straight and your core engaged while doing this exercise.

Nordic hamstring curl

Hamstring curl exercise for the glutes and hamstrings If you’re looking to add a hamstring workout to your routine, the Nordic hamstring curl is a great exercise to try.

This compound exercise targets both of these muscles simultaneously and can be quite challenging. Make sure you warm up before starting this particular workout as it can be torturous if you don’t! Follow the instructions carefully from start to finish and see results soon.

Hamstring Exercises: The Basic Sequence

Before beginning any type of hamstring exercises, it’s important to properly warm up your muscles. A simple way to do this is by doing a light jog for five minutes or marching in place for two minutes. Once your muscles are nice and warm, you can start with the following sequence of exercises:

static lunge – 10 reps on each leg

calf raise – 10 reps on each leg

nordic hamstring curl – 5 reps on each leg

glute bridge – 10 reps

single-leg deadlift – 10 reps on each leg

Make sure to perform these exercises slowly and with control. If you feel any pain in your hamstrings or knees, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

How to Do the Prone Hamstring Curl with Resistance Band

Hamstring curls are a great exercise to do at home if you’re looking to tone your glutes and hamstring muscles. The hamstring curl with resistance band is a simple and effective way to do them. To perform the exercise, you’ll need the following:

-A resistance band


-A mat or exercise mat

Prone Hamstring curls: Touch one hand to each ankle, then use your legs and torso to curl up into a ball until you’re in a seated position with your butt off of the ground. Hold for two seconds before lowering yourself back onto the floor and repeating.

Lie facedown on the ground with your palms flat on the floor and your shoulder blades pulled down to lift your hips off the ground. Keep your back straight and your glutes pulled back. curl your hips up towards your shoulders until your thighs and torso are in line with each other, then lower back down to the starting position.

Additional Gear for Bodyweight Exercises

Although you can do many bodyweight exercises with just your body, there are some pieces of equipment that can help make the exercises more challenging. If you’re looking to add more resistance to your hamstring exercises, consider the following:

Resistance Bands

If you’re looking for a great workout that you can do at home, resistance bands are a great option. They’re relatively inexpensive and offer a variety of benefits, such as increased resistance and the ability to tone up all over. Start off by adding weight slowly to avoid injuries, and then increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. Not only will you get great exercise, but you’ll also have a lot of fun doing it!

Yoga/Exercise Mat

A yoga or exercise mat is a crucial piece of equipment for bodyweight exercises. Not only will it provide cushioning and support for your body, but it will also help to keep you clean and dry during sweaty workouts. There are many different types and sizes available, so finding one that’s right for you is easy.

Exercise Ball

The exercise ball is a great way to add variety and intensity to your bodyweight exercises. They are perfect for toning your core muscles, as well as your arms and legs. balls come in different sizes – make sure you choose the right one for your height. You can also use an exercise ball to improve your balance and coordination.

Free Weights

Free weights are a great way to add resistance to your bodyweight exercises. They come in different sizes and can be used for both upper and lower body workouts. If you’re looking for an intense workout, try using heavier weights. Try adding some dumbbells or kettlebell training to the bodyweight exercises discussed earlier. Be sure to use proper form when lifting free weights to avoid injuries!

Workout Clothes

While you can technically workout in whatever you’re comfortable in, it’s always best to invest in proper workout clothes. This way, you can avoid any wardrobe malfunctions (trust me, they happen) and focus on your workout. Look for clothing that is breathable and moisture-wicking to keep you cool and dry, as well as form-fitting to avoid any distractions.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know the benefits of bodyweight exercises and how to do them properly, it is time to start reaping the rewards! Not only will you improve your strength and flexibility, but you will also notice a difference in your everyday life. Give these exercises a try and see for yourself how great they are!